Look of @chicksandsalsa from 27 Abril, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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chicksandsalsa Got the #MondayBlues big time after my trip abroad- Nothing a little Iced Coffee can’t fix 😜 Also nothing like a little break from #life to really hit the #reset button 💕 Backpacks and flats were the go to accessories for women in airports around the world! Shop my travel essentials by taking a screenshot of this pic with the LIKEtoKNOW.it app http://liketk.it/2ASIx #liketkit @liketoknow.it #LTKstyletip #LTKshoecrush #LTKeurope #LTKunder100 #LTKtravel #backpacks #leopard #espadrilles #flats #cuteshoes #travelstyle

Outfit Items

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