Look of @dandyinthebronx from 27 Junio, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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dandyinthebronx June 27th is #NationalSunglassesDay, a campaign first launched in 2017 by the nonprofit @thevisioncouncil to leverage the power of social media to raise awareness of the importance of UV eye protection. 😎 I’m rocking light-adaptive lenses (known to most by the brand name Transitions), which darken in the presence of UV light and shield from its harmful effects. 🌞 — Your eyes are important. They help you see (and see my content) and getting new ones are quite a hassle. So why not protect them so they can last you for years? I teamed up with the Bronx’s @metrooptics to share some tips on how to optimize vision and protect eyes, live on the blog! — Glasses by @johnvarvatos / prescription by @metrooptics Bag by @dooneyandbourke Shoes by @brunomagliofficial Shirt by @highbarshirtco — Photography by @themodernotter

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