kennedyfaithstidham ive been looking for shoes like these for FOREVERRR- thank you zara <3 (bodysuit- 2 *u want them to be tight*, jeans- size 4) & i linked my lipstick all of yall ask about on my stories ♥️
Outfit Items
USD 49.90
Heeled Slingback Vinyl Shoe…
USD 39.90
Ripped Mom Fit Jeans…
USD 39.90
Mesh Slingback Heels…
USD 39.90
Mom Fit Jeans…
USD 12.99
USD 39.90
Mom Fit Jeans…
Precio desconocido
Catch 22 Bodysuit Beige - Us 2 / Beige…
Princess Polly
Precio desconocido
Melted Matte Lipstick…
too faced
Precio desconocido
High Gate Bodysuit Black - Us 0 / Black…
Princess Polly
More from @kennedyfaithstidham
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