Look of @jenniferlpickering from 1 Diciembre, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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jenniferlpickering Hope you all had a good weekend. Toronto was exhausting yet fun! I’m sharing this silk striped top in today’s blog post. Silk is one of my favourite materials and it’s great for layering during the winter. http://liketk.it/2HlvG #liketkit @liketoknow.it • • #LTKstyletip #LTKunder100 #everlane #silkblouse #silktop #stripeshirt #stripesonstripes #stripestyle #everlanewomen #brixton #brixtonhat #frenchchic #frenchstyle #fallfashion #fallstyle #winterfashion #pontepants #audreyhepburnstyle

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